NexTA® BtoB platform is available now!

Selling and issuing tickets is a complicated and tedious task that does not add value to your service.
With NexTA®, you can simplify this process at very little cost and focus more on your customers’ needs.
NexTA® is the Next-generation technology for Travel Agencies
NexTA® is connected with several airlines' distribution systems (NDC & LCC) and major GDS.
As Singapore’s leading ticketing wholesaler and distributor, we have access to exclusive and private fares from various airlines.
You can take advantage of our privilege by using NexTA®. 
*NexTA® is also available to Non-IATA members

Easy to use like OTA

With a simple graphical interface like OTA, you can Issue Airtickets for your customers without any knowledge!

NexTA® is multi-device compatible.
With NexTA® and a tablet device, you can easily book and issue Airtickets while communicating with customers Face-to-Face

For Professional use

You can Book, Hold, Issue, VOID, and print E-tickets on NexTA® 24/7 without any knowledge!
Also available CCCF and Ancillary.

NexTA® also has a sub-account function, which allows you to control each sub-account authority, making it suitable for professional use. 

Additionally, you can issue tickets with your PCC by importing PNR to NexTA®

Local support

Unlike other global OTAs,
NexTA® is operated locally.

As a wholesaler, Giamso has long been trusted by travel agents in Singapore. You can use NexTA® with confidence.

We provide support via phone, email, WhatsApp, and multiple channels. Our office is in a very accessible location!

+100 Airline Authorize

+15 NDC Connection

More to Come!

+60 Partners

NexTA introduction.mp4